How can I tag specific students?

Pupil Progress' Tagging feature allows you to easily set intervention markers for specific subjects or across the whole school

Tobi Davis avatar
Written by Tobi Davis
Updated over a week ago

To be able to start tagging students on your tracker, you'll first need to set up the tags that you need. You can either do this on a subject-specific level, or create a tag to be used across the whole school.

To create a new tag, head to your tracker and toggle the Tagging option above the students' names. You're then able to click Configure and then the grey Create New Tag button that will be showing on screen. You can access the same menu by hovering over Tracking from the home page and clicking Tags, before clicking the blue Add Tag button.

On the next page, you're able to fill in all of the relevant details for your new tag, including its name, activity status (i.e. whether or not it is live) and which users are able to mark students with this tag.

On the same page, you're also able to select whether you want the tag to be present on a specific year group/s or qualification. It's worth noting that this is tracker, rather than subject-specific, meaning that for an English tag you'll need to include both Language and Literature. Simply click Save Changes when you're all set.

Once your tag has been created, your tracker will reload and you can click Configure once more before ticking the box to show the tag you've just created, and then save. You're able to tick the boxes to the right of your students' names, and you'll notice that a '1' will appear once the tag has been saved.

You're able to filter by these tags using the Filter option in the top right corner in order to show only the students in your intervention group on your tracker. If your filter covers multiple or all subject areas, you only need to tag them once and they will appear in the intervention group for all selected qualifications. For more info on how to use the Filter tool, take a look at the article below:

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