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Pupil Progress App
Inviting parents and students and managing parent accounts
How do I send Pupil Progress App invitations to students and parents?
How do I send Pupil Progress App invitations to students and parents?

How to instruct students and parents to install Pupil Progress App on their smartphones and then invite them to activate their accounts

Tobi Davis avatar
Written by Tobi Davis
Updated over a week ago
The School needs to have activated Pupil Progress App and you need to have School Admin level permission in Pupil Progress to send student and parent invitations (if this isn't the case, speak to your Pupil Progress Lead or Account Manager).

Step 1 for parents: download the App

In order for students or parents to set up their accounts when they receive invitation emails, they first need to have downloaded the app from the Apple App Store for iPhones, or the Google Play Store for Android phones.

You need to communicate this to them and share these links with them:

While you are communicating this, you should also make them aware that they will receive an email invitation.

** IMPORTANT: They will need to open this email on the phone they have already installed the App on, and tap the link in the email to activate their account **

Step 2 for you to take: sending invitations

To send the invitations, firstly in your Pupil Progress account, go to My School > Parents for parent, or My School > Students for students (if you do not see these sections, you either do not have School Admin permission level, or Pupil Progress App has not been activated for the school).

Send invitations to individual students or parents one at a time (e.g. for small numbers of parents)

  • Find the student or parent in question either:

    • by scrolling through and using the page navigation pages at the bottom of the page;

    • or by using the freetext or dropdown filters at the top of the page.

  • Click the three dots button to the right of the row

  • Click Send Invite (or Resend Invite if the student or parent has previously been invited already)

Send invitations to in bulk

  • Click the Parent Actions or Student Actions button in the top left

  • Use the options to select the relevant group of parents

  • Leave the Action section set to 'Invite/Resend Invites to Parents'

  • Click the blue Request button

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