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How do I check if student date of birth is populated in bulk?
How do I check if student date of birth is populated in bulk?

As student date of birth is a required field for Pupil Progress App, you may need to check it is populated for groups of students at a time.

Tobi Davis avatar
Written by Tobi Davis
Updated over a week ago

To check if student date of birth is populated for multiple students at a time:

  • Go to My School > Students

  • Use the filters at the top of the page to filter for the relevant group of students (e.g. year group)

  • Check the box in the top right hand corner for Only Without Date Of Birth

You will now see only students who do not have date of birth populated in the school MIS. These students will need to have date of birth populated in the MIS for them and their parents to be able to access their records in Pupil Progress App. When they are input into the MIS, they will update in Pupil Progress the next day (following the overnight sync).

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