Subject Analysis provides an overview of a specific department's performance, allowing you to view a concise breakdown of progress across your subject area. Compare classes and subgroups by factors such as A8 and P8 scores, as well as Minimum Target Grades (MTGs).
How can I view a Subject Analysis?
Click on Analysis from the top menu
Select the relevant Year group
Click on Subject Analysis, then on Continue.
Click to expand the image below to see the steps live β
4. Choose the subject area and specific qualification within the subject area for which you need the analysis.
What does the Subject Analysis show me?
All graphs and tables presented within the Subject Analysis are designed to provide you with a detailed picture of students' performance in the chosen qualification, so that you can assess how each class is performing and compare subgroups as needed.
The Class Summary table gives you a quick comparison of how the classes in the selected subject area are performing, indicating how close to the desired A8 and P8 Scores students are, as well as how they're performing in comparison to their MTG.
The bar graph makes it easier to identify classes' performance compared to their established MTGs. The colour-coded key helps you spot at first glance which class is working at the best grades. In the image below for example, we can see that class 11 E2 has the highest number of students on track to achieve their target grade.
The Grade Breakdown table highlights the percentage of students working at each of the grades available for the chosen qualification.
βThe Subgroup Analysis table breaks down all data pulled from students taking the chosen qualification and divides it into categories based on students' subgroups, such as Male vs Females or different SEND groups.
Don't forget that all tables are also downloadable as Excel (XLS) files, just click Download as XLS at the bottom of the page.
π Pupil Progress Tip
Learn more about how A8 and P8 are calculated at subject level
in the following articles: