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Data and analysis
Take the step from data entry to data analysis; learn how to use Pupil Progress' analysis tools.
How to use Snapshot and CompareA step-by-step guide that will revolutionise how you can see progress by comparing student marks between two points in time.
How to take a Snapshot of all subjectsA step-by-step guide to taking a Snapshot of all subjects.
How to view grades across all subjectsGetting started with the Grades Summary section on the platform.
What is the Subject Analysis?Everything you need to know about the Subject Analysis tool.
How to use the KS4 Grade AnalysisUnderstand exactly how students are tracking to their A8 and P8 scores, as well as the English Baccalaureate.
What is Attainment 8 and how is it calculated?Getting started with Attainment 8 Performance measures.
What is Progress 8 and how is it calculated?Key points to remember when tracking using P8 as a whole-cohort metric.
How to identify students with English but not Maths, or Maths but not EnglishA step-by-step guide to identifying and creating focus groups.