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Data and analysis

Now that your trackers are up and running, learn how to use the platform's analysis tools.

Tobi Davis avatar
1 author10 articles
How to use Snapshot and CompareThese two features will revolutionise how you can see progress by comparing your students achievements between two points in time.
How can I take a Snapshot of all subjects?A copy of all trackers with a single click, allowing leaders to compare their Live data to a historic point in time.
How to customise student reportsIndividual student reports can be customised to meet your school's needs.
How can I see the grades across all subjects?The Grades Summary pulls the grades from the summary area across all your trackers in one simple view.
What is Attainment 8 and how is it calculated?An overview of what the Attainment 8 Performance measure is, and how it is calculated from a subject level up to a whole school.
What is the Subject Analysis?This article will walk you through the Subject Analysis tool and the information collated in it.
How to use the KS4 Grade AnalysisUnderstand exactly how students are tracking to their A8 and P8 scores, as well as the English Baccalaureate.
How to download student reports in massGenerate student reports in mass through the Analysis tool, either by student, by subject, by year group or by student attributes.
How are P8 Scores calculated at a subject level?You can see each student's P8 score on the tracker, but it is important to remember this is a whole-cohort metric.
How can I identify students with English but not Maths, or Maths but not English?Using Filters on Pupil Progress, you can easily identify opportunity students and create focus groups