Accessible to School Admins, the Add Report Template feature allows you to customise what data is included on pupils' individual student reports, as well as how the specific file is formatted.
How do I create a Report Template?
First, hover your mouse over Reports at the top bar, then select Report templates from the dropdown.
Here, click the blue button Add Report Template to begin creating your report.
3. Give your report a name, whether it is for a specific event or to use more broadly.
4. Select whether to download all of the reports individually or instead as one single file, making the printing process easier.
If you select individual files, a box will appear below allowing you to change how the PDFs are named
5. Any or all of the Minimum Target Grade, Current Grade, Average Unit Grade or Teacher Predicted Grade can be hidden from the reports, by ticking or unticking the corresponding box.
6. If relevant, you can also select which Learning Characteristics you wish to display on the report and if you would like to hide the Distance From MTG Colour.
7. Once the template has been created, the three dots to its right hand side allow you to set it as the default. (As pictured below)
Something to note:
The default template will be used whenever reports are downloaded directly from the tracker, or the three dots from the main tracking page.
The Downloadable Reports option from the top bar instead lets you choose exactly which template to use.
Once you have requested the reports, a download link will be sent to your email inbox shortly after.
π Pupil Progress Tip
If you have not yet sat an entire Mock series but still wish to send reports home, hide the Current Grade and display the Average Unit Grade for an accurate prediction of performance.