If you're a School Admin or Leader of Subject Area, you have a few options to choose from when setting up a new class on a tracker, including manually uploaded classes and classes synchronised with your MIS.
How can I set up my classes?
Watch our video below for a walk through on adding your classes to Pupil Progress:
Hover over the Tracking tab and go to Your Classes
You'll see the blue button to Add New Class. You can then choose from the following options to set up a class:
Using XLS file
Select the tracker specification you would like the classes to be added to
Download the Multiple Classes Template Excel file
Input all the information necessary to set up your classes into the template. Please read the instructions carefully and fill in all mandatory fields for each student
You can use the template to upload more than one class at once, providing the classes are taking the same qualification.
Using existing students
This requires your students being registered in your school's general student list. Don't have students live yet? See this article for steps on how to upload your students to Pupil Progress: How to add students to your school
Once your student list is updated, you can set up your class manually by selecting Using existing students
Select the tracker specification, class name and teachers, and choose either a class list to copy from or individual students from the student list.
Let us upload it for you
Select the tracker specification
Drag and drop your class list Excel file, this should include the Unique Pupil Number, full name and class names
We'll take care of them in 24-48 hours for you.
Using a synchronised classlist
If Pupil Progress is integrated with your school's MIS (SIMS, Arbor, iSAMS etc.), you will have the option to add a synchronised classlist. Don't have this option? Contact our support team using the Help Centre icon in the bottom right of the screen
Once your MIS is synced, you'll see a Connected Classes tab, we recommend adding classes that sync daily
Choose your course details
Select the classes that you want to set to that tracker
Follow the link below to learn more about adding synchronised classlists:
Demo classes
Adding a demo class can be useful for testing a tracker before committing to using it for an actual class. To set up a demo class:
Select Setup Demo Class
Select the tracker specification
Once set up, the class will contain a list of default students you can enter data for.
Depending on your chosen specification, you may see some extra fields when setting up your class using any of the above options. This includes choosing your selected topic for each area, any optional units or specific sports for a PE tracker.
What do I do if the qualification I need is not listed?
If the qualification you're looking for is not present in the list, it means we are yet to build the tracker for it. Get in touch with our Support team to let us know which qualification you're looking to have access to, and we'll strive to setup the required tracker for you soon.
π Pupil Progress Tip
Want to find out how to add or remove students from your classes?