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How can I identify students with English but not Maths, or Maths but not English?
How can I identify students with English but not Maths, or Maths but not English?

Using Filters on Pupil Progress, you can easily identify opportunity students and create focus groups

Tobi Davis avatar
Written by Tobi Davis
Updated over a week ago

By combining two of Pupil Progress' features, Tagging and Filters, you're able to create focus groups based on English and Maths attainment in just a few clicks.

First, you'll need to create a tag to identify a subset of your students - for this example, we'll set up a tag for students who are working below a grade 4 in English. Of course, you could change the grade to something other than a 4, or do the same for a different subject, depending on your school's needs.

Once you've created your tag, simply mark all of the students that meet your criteria. You can easily find these by sorting your tracker in ascending order on the Average Unit Grade. Remember that, for Maths (as well as Science and MFL), you may need to repeat this process on both tiers.

After tagging your students, head over to the Grade Summary for the same year group. You'll want to then add two filters to your view; the first to include your tagged students, and then another to show those achieving, in this example at least, a 4 or above in Maths.

Once you've done this, you'll only see those students who meet both the criteria of being below a 4 in English and above a 4 in Maths. Simply repeat this process with the subjects reversed, and you are always able to create new tags should you wish to set up a broader intervention group/.

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