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For Data Managers
For Data Managers

Data Managers - here you'll find the articles you need.

How to set up automatic syncing with GroupcallA step-by-step guide to setting up automatic syncing with Groupcall.
How to manage synchronised classesA step-by-step guide to synchronising classes.
How to invite your staff to Pupil Progress if you are a synchronised schoolA step-by-step guide to getting new staff members set up on Pupil Progress.
How to assign your Subject Leaders on Pupil ProgressA step-by-step guide to changing Subject Lead information.
How to import your Pupil Progress data into SIMSTransfer the grades produced for your students in Pupil Progress into your SIMS MIS.
How to import your Pupil Progress data into ArborA step-by-step guide on how you can get the grades produced for your students in Pupil Progress into your Arbor MIS.
How to import your Pupil Progress data into BromcomA step-by-step guide on how you can get the grades produced for your students in Pupil Progress into your Bromcom MIS.
How to add rotation classes to Pupil ProgressGetting started with rotation classes on Pupil Progress.
How to add KS2 Scaled Scores to studentsA step-by-step guide to uploading KS2 Scales Scores onto the platform.
How to add Learning Characteristics to your trackersA step-by-step guide to tracking Attitude to Learning, Effort, Home Learning or your own values.
How to edit StaffA step-by-step guide to editing Staff.
Why do we need UPNs and Sub-Cat Data?If you're uploading your classes, you may be wondering how exactly Unique Pupil Numbers and Sub-Category data are used by Pupil Progress.
How to import your Pupil Progress data into 4MatrixThis article provides a guide on how you can get the grades produced for your students in Pupil Progress into 4Matrix.
How to import your Pupil Progress data into SISRATransfer the grades produced for your students in Pupil Progress into Sisra Analytics.
How to bulk upload your student reports into ArborA step-by-step guide to adding your Pupil Progress reports onto Arbor and sharing them with parents.
How to bulk upload your student reports into BromcomA step by step guide to adding your Pupil Progress reports to Bromcom and sharing them with parents.
How to synchronise an unsynced class?A step-by-step guide to syncing your classes.